Global Beats,
Local Lyrics

Love the beat but are you lost in translation? is here to help you understand your favorite foreign songs.

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Say Goodbye To Language Barriers

Our smart AI tech translates song lyrics from any language to yours. Discover music’s true meaning, no matter where it’s from.

More Than Just Translations

We don’t just translate word-for-word. digs deeper, giving you the real context behind the lyrics.

More Than Just <span class='highlight'>Translations</span>

Sing It Right

Want to sing along? We've got you covered with pronunciation guides for translated words. Learn languages through music, the fun way!

Sing It <span class='highlight'>Right</span>

Behind the Lyrics

Ever wonder what that one line might mean? We provide in-depth explanations for specific lyrics, so you can truly connect with the song's story.

<span class='highlight'>Behind</span> the Lyrics

Decode Word by Word

Stuck on a particular word? No problem. Translate individual words and unravel the lyrics piece by piece.

Decode <span class='highlight'>Word</span> by <span class='highlight'>Word</span>

Featured Translations

Curious about what can do? Here you can find some examples to give you a taste of what to expect.

浪子回頭 (Back Here Again)
茄子蛋 (EggPlantEgg)
Language: Hokkien / Taiwanese
Off The Record
Language: Korean
Soy Peor
Bad Bunny
Language: Spanish
99 Luftballons
Language: German

What People Are Saying

See how is changing the way our users enjoy music and learn languages. Here’s what they have to say.

Love this. I’m learning Italian (my dad is fluent so I’ve always wanted to speak to him in Italian) and this seems like such a fun way to learn.
I knew about the technique of learning languages through subtitled songs, but it was uncomfortable to watch unknown words separately. solves this fantastically.
I love how it shows the current line only, thus keeping me focused while I’m learning.

Make Music Your New Language Teacher

With, you don’t just understand foreign songs better. You’ll also pick up a new language naturally, one catchy tune at a time.


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$2.99 (20 songs)
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